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- 475 issue of type no associated documents found for this area
Reference | Name | Article 4 direction | Permitted development rights | Uprns | Address texts | Geometry | Point | Notes | Organisation | Entry date | Start date | End date |
306 | Duke Of Sutherland |
306 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.098968 51.484525,-0.098870 51.484440,-0.098764 51.484514,-0.099023 51.484697,-0.099108 51.484651,-0.098968 51.484525))) | POINT (-0.098935 51.48457) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
307 | Father Red Cap |
307 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.093248 51.475665,-0.093271 51.475752,-0.093253 51.475754,-0.093266 51.475811,-0.093538 51.475787,-0.093515 51.475702,-0.093494 51.475671,-0.093457 51.475647,-0.093248 51.475665))) | POINT (-0.093387 51.47573) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
308 | The Grove Tavern |
308 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.068389 51.443869,-0.068821 51.443677,-0.069284 51.443455,-0.069137 51.443324,-0.069299 51.443310,-0.069268 51.443182,-0.068985 51.443162,-0.068620 51.443188,-0.068254 51.443239,-0.067948 51.443262,-0.067884 51.443288,-0.067824 51.443337,-0.067803 51.443382,-0.067815 51.443425,-0.068085 51.443614,-0.068389 51.443869))) | POINT (-0.068563 51.44345) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
309 | Albion Public House |
309 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.053468 51.499247,-0.053384 51.499143,-0.053220 51.499197,-0.053347 51.499306,-0.053468 51.499247))) | POINT (-0.053351 51.499222) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
310 | Hampton Court Palace |
310 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.100703 51.491517,-0.100394 51.491621,-0.100482 51.491723,-0.100768 51.491623,-0.100775 51.491601,-0.100703 51.491517))) | POINT (-0.10059 51.49162) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
311 | Carlton Tavern |
311 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.056061 51.477496,-0.056054 51.477432,-0.055897 51.477424,-0.055882 51.477668,-0.055998 51.477666,-0.055997 51.477630,-0.056070 51.477629,-0.056067 51.477575,-0.056047 51.477576,-0.056044 51.477496,-0.056061 51.477496))) | POINT (-0.055969 51.477545) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
312 | Queens Arms |
312 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.073206 51.495520,-0.073194 51.495494,-0.072982 51.495532,-0.073062 51.495711,-0.073241 51.495684,-0.073167 51.495528,-0.073206 51.495520))) | POINT (-0.073113 51.495604) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
313 | The Bramcote Arms |
313 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.057077 51.486438,-0.056736 51.486418,-0.056710 51.486439,-0.056724 51.486533,-0.057086 51.486515,-0.057077 51.486438))) | POINT (-0.056887 51.486476) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
314 | The Hartley |
314 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.082935 51.495813,-0.082679 51.495686,-0.082632 51.495725,-0.082853 51.495864,-0.082886 51.495859,-0.082935 51.495813))) | POINT (-0.082786 51.495778) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
315 | The Bell |
315 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.093479 51.488394,-0.093322 51.488448,-0.093456 51.488592,-0.093615 51.488541,-0.093479 51.488394))) | POINT (-0.093468 51.488494) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
316 | The Grange |
316 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.074892 51.493792,-0.074980 51.493841,-0.075011 51.493842,-0.075049 51.493815,-0.075037 51.493808,-0.075191 51.493701,-0.075181 51.493692,-0.075205 51.493675,-0.075122 51.493630,-0.074892 51.493792))) | POINT (-0.075052 51.49374) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
317 | Huntsman & Hound |
317 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.085589 51.489945,-0.085745 51.490019,-0.085791 51.489988,-0.085649 51.489916,-0.085589 51.489945))) | POINT (-0.085692 51.489967) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
318 | Elephant and Castle PH |
318 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.099697 51.495426,-0.099697 51.495292,-0.099487 51.495293,-0.099486 51.495312,-0.099461 51.495312,-0.099461 51.495410,-0.099486 51.495412,-0.099486 51.495426,-0.099697 51.495426))) | POINT (-0.099582 51.495359) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
319 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.098043 51.486261,-0.098096 51.486320,-0.098175 51.486290,-0.098184 51.486300,-0.098158 51.486309,-0.098169 51.486324,-0.098200 51.486314,-0.098210 51.486336,-0.098340 51.486294,-0.098249 51.486188,-0.098043 51.486261))) | POINT (-0.098199 51.486267) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
320 | Nags Head PH |
320 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.094086 51.476870,-0.094099 51.476939,-0.094302 51.476925,-0.094299 51.476910,-0.094322 51.476909,-0.094325 51.476921,-0.094390 51.476912,-0.094379 51.476884,-0.094335 51.476891,-0.094325 51.476855,-0.094086 51.476870))) | POINT (-0.094222 51.476897) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
321 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.103800 51.495711,-0.103911 51.495749,-0.104016 51.495582,-0.103996 51.495577,-0.103970 51.495616,-0.103947 51.495609,-0.104000 51.495526,-0.103930 51.495504,-0.103800 51.495711))) | POINT (-0.103911 51.495634) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
322 | Ring |
322 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.104780 51.503522,-0.104776 51.503599,-0.104791 51.503610,-0.104933 51.503580,-0.104899 51.503513,-0.104912 51.503510,-0.104903 51.503494,-0.104780 51.503522))) | POINT (-0.104847 51.503554) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
323 | Simon The Tanner |
323 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.082860 51.498374,-0.082963 51.498387,-0.082990 51.498331,-0.083015 51.498335,-0.083045 51.498266,-0.083035 51.498276,-0.083021 51.498274,-0.083009 51.498259,-0.082901 51.498241,-0.082860 51.498374))) | POINT (-0.082944 51.498313) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
324 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.101018 51.477554,-0.101084 51.477597,-0.101107 51.477576,-0.101139 51.477588,-0.101217 51.477513,-0.101213 51.477502,-0.101114 51.477461,-0.101018 51.477554))) | POINT (-0.101118 51.47753) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
325 | The Brittania |
325 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.086972 51.501223,-0.087192 51.501247,-0.087216 51.501233,-0.087224 51.501144,-0.087030 51.501136,-0.087027 51.501184,-0.086985 51.501179,-0.086972 51.501223))) | POINT (-0.087112 51.501191) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
326 | The Rose |
326 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.085462 51.502233,-0.085575 51.502243,-0.085590 51.502235,-0.085644 51.502076,-0.085533 51.502055,-0.085462 51.502233))) | POINT (-0.085555 51.502153) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
327 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.090736 51.503597,-0.090872 51.503643,-0.090843 51.503678,-0.090971 51.503720,-0.090985 51.503704,-0.091029 51.503720,-0.091013 51.503735,-0.091137 51.503776,-0.091183 51.503715,-0.090764 51.503565,-0.090736 51.503597))) | POINT (-0.090975 51.503676) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
328 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.090956 51.505148,-0.091027 51.505202,-0.091161 51.505118,-0.091151 51.505111,-0.090956 51.505148))) | POINT (-0.091053 51.505152) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
329 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.068597 51.474310,-0.068576 51.474235,-0.068660 51.474225,-0.068630 51.474130,-0.068616 51.474112,-0.068537 51.474088,-0.068512 51.474160,-0.068513 51.474227,-0.068448 51.474229,-0.068456 51.474267,-0.068476 51.474266,-0.068474 51.474249,-0.068518 51.474251,-0.068537 51.474316,-0.068597 51.474310))) | POINT (-0.068565 51.474199) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
330 | The Winnicott (formerly Old Justice) |
330 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.064152 51.500207,-0.064247 51.500254,-0.064460 51.500071,-0.064396 51.500040,-0.064365 51.500066,-0.064376 51.500071,-0.064360 51.500084,-0.064322 51.500067,-0.064152 51.500207))) | POINT (-0.064302 51.500147) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
331 | East Dulwich Tavern |
331 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.075174 51.460509,-0.075144 51.460362,-0.075098 51.460366,-0.075095 51.460350,-0.075048 51.460352,-0.075047 51.460344,-0.074822 51.460359,-0.075063 51.460541,-0.075087 51.460551,-0.075166 51.460526,-0.075174 51.460509))) | POINT (-0.075037 51.460431) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
332 | Sheaf (Formerly Wheatsheaf) |
332 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.091471 51.504852,-0.091468 51.504795,-0.091208 51.504801,-0.091213 51.504861,-0.091471 51.504852))) | POINT (-0.091339 51.504827) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
333 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.070586 51.463875,-0.070547 51.463788,-0.070490 51.463798,-0.070485 51.463787,-0.070458 51.463790,-0.070451 51.463772,-0.070401 51.463782,-0.070448 51.463891,-0.070467 51.463898,-0.070586 51.463875))) | POINT (-0.070492 51.463837) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
334 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.058664 51.495003,-0.058883 51.495008,-0.058958 51.494952,-0.058958 51.494934,-0.058838 51.494868,-0.058664 51.495003))) | POINT (-0.058829 51.494953) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
335 | Rockingham Arms |
335 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.099700 51.496104,-0.099696 51.495847,-0.099494 51.495850,-0.099498 51.496011,-0.099472 51.496011,-0.099473 51.496059,-0.099497 51.496060,-0.099496 51.496105,-0.099700 51.496104))) | POINT (-0.099595 51.495978) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
336 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.082162 51.497340,-0.082275 51.497380,-0.082335 51.497307,-0.082210 51.497266,-0.082164 51.497322,-0.082162 51.497340))) | POINT (-0.082244 51.497322) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
337 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.106397 51.498739,-0.106518 51.498820,-0.106597 51.498770,-0.106598 51.498761,-0.106619 51.498748,-0.106667 51.498778,-0.106689 51.498777,-0.106696 51.498769,-0.106552 51.498675,-0.106423 51.498683,-0.106397 51.498739))) | POINT (-0.106523 51.498738) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
338 | RISING SUN |
338 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.093123 51.494777,-0.093141 51.494778,-0.093140 51.494790,-0.093190 51.494793,-0.093191 51.494781,-0.093214 51.494782,-0.093225 51.494698,-0.092991 51.494684,-0.092988 51.494717,-0.092939 51.494715,-0.092936 51.494747,-0.092983 51.494749,-0.092977 51.494806,-0.093119 51.494814,-0.093123 51.494777))) | POINT (-0.093086 51.494746) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
339 | MAN OF KENT |
339 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.058782 51.464857,-0.058857 51.464772,-0.058849 51.464750,-0.058685 51.464696,-0.058625 51.464762,-0.058662 51.464777,-0.058645 51.464795,-0.058691 51.464811,-0.058684 51.464822,-0.058692 51.464824,-0.058688 51.464830,-0.058782 51.464857))) | POINT (-0.058742 51.464775) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
340 | ROYAL OAK |
340 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.091387 51.500189,-0.091601 51.500140,-0.091556 51.500069,-0.091368 51.500110,-0.091348 51.500135,-0.091387 51.500189))) | POINT (-0.091471 51.500129) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
341 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.074740 51.457992,-0.075059 51.458040,-0.075087 51.457970,-0.075077 51.457957,-0.074771 51.457911,-0.074740 51.457992))) | POINT (-0.074915 51.457976) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
342 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.067006 51.492311,-0.067131 51.492320,-0.067155 51.492313,-0.067208 51.492110,-0.067134 51.492103,-0.067127 51.492129,-0.067087 51.492126,-0.067094 51.492100,-0.067045 51.492095,-0.067006 51.492311))) | POINT (-0.067103 51.49221) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
343 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.080551 51.494539,-0.080552 51.494566,-0.080607 51.494594,-0.080747 51.494643,-0.080814 51.494602,-0.080778 51.494580,-0.080755 51.494593,-0.080709 51.494563,-0.080731 51.494550,-0.080633 51.494488,-0.080551 51.494539))) | POINT (-0.080668 51.494569) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
344 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.104004 51.487419,-0.104093 51.487457,-0.104130 51.487463,-0.104284 51.487306,-0.104287 51.487284,-0.104191 51.487242,-0.104004 51.487419))) | POINT (-0.104153 51.487356) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
345 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.084162 51.502394,-0.083982 51.502419,-0.083970 51.502454,-0.083916 51.502465,-0.083923 51.502479,-0.083991 51.502465,-0.084029 51.502476,-0.084014 51.502514,-0.084144 51.502535,-0.084187 51.502405,-0.084162 51.502394))) | POINT (-0.084081 51.50246) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
346 | The Lord Nelson |
346 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.102676 51.503499,-0.102716 51.503500,-0.102717 51.503355,-0.102646 51.503354,-0.102644 51.503365,-0.102600 51.503364,-0.102599 51.503392,-0.102587 51.503392,-0.102584 51.503428,-0.102597 51.503429,-0.102592 51.503497,-0.102615 51.503497,-0.102622 51.503512,-0.102643 51.503518,-0.102664 51.503514,-0.102676 51.503499))) | POINT (-0.102655 51.503432) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
347 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.083422 51.504584,-0.083476 51.504629,-0.083519 51.504648,-0.083549 51.504645,-0.083664 51.504548,-0.083606 51.504525,-0.083422 51.504584))) | POINT (-0.083544 51.504585) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
348 | MOBY DICK |
348 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.039594 51.495638,-0.039653 51.495623,-0.039601 51.495512,-0.039650 51.495491,-0.039666 51.495472,-0.039670 51.495451,-0.039656 51.495429,-0.039635 51.495416,-0.039598 51.495410,-0.039551 51.495414,-0.039543 51.495400,-0.039459 51.495418,-0.039480 51.495460,-0.039502 51.495457,-0.039594 51.495638))) | POINT (-0.039579 51.495494) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
349 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.090736 51.473787,-0.090717 51.473784,-0.090704 51.473746,-0.090653 51.473753,-0.090648 51.473744,-0.090564 51.473755,-0.090580 51.473800,-0.090623 51.473839,-0.090696 51.473866,-0.090724 51.473871,-0.090736 51.473787))) | POINT (-0.090659 51.4738) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
350 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.065803 51.467222,-0.065993 51.467200,-0.065989 51.467148,-0.065769 51.467129,-0.065803 51.467222))) | POINT (-0.065879 51.467174) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
351 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.052452 51.469587,-0.052357 51.469334,-0.052310 51.469333,-0.052246 51.469380,-0.052324 51.469580,-0.052342 51.469578,-0.052338 51.469566,-0.052364 51.469561,-0.052372 51.469578,-0.052362 51.469580,-0.052368 51.469598,-0.052452 51.469587))) | POINT (-0.052346 51.469466) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
352 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.073620 51.479603,-0.073663 51.479691,-0.073644 51.479694,-0.073660 51.479722,-0.073816 51.479698,-0.073805 51.479668,-0.073920 51.479651,-0.073912 51.479553,-0.073887 51.479546,-0.073620 51.479603))) | POINT (-0.073774 51.479631) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
353 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.089383 51.504654,-0.089506 51.504700,-0.089580 51.504625,-0.089504 51.504599,-0.089513 51.504587,-0.089462 51.504569,-0.089383 51.504654))) | POINT (-0.089481 51.504637) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
354 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.090624 51.498178,-0.090713 51.498136,-0.090758 51.498146,-0.090790 51.498114,-0.090569 51.498029,-0.090546 51.498032,-0.090503 51.498055,-0.090503 51.498067,-0.090493 51.498071,-0.090624 51.498178))) | POINT (-0.090629 51.498101) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 | |||||
355 No associated documents found for this area |
None given | MULTIPOLYGON (((-0.060495 51.492020,-0.060557 51.491999,-0.060569 51.492005,-0.060619 51.491990,-0.060615 51.491978,-0.060671 51.491960,-0.060674 51.491945,-0.060599 51.491852,-0.060582 51.491859,-0.060591 51.491873,-0.060546 51.491881,-0.060532 51.491905,-0.060497 51.491915,-0.060463 51.491872,-0.060388 51.491896,-0.060420 51.491937,-0.060450 51.491960,-0.060495 51.492020))) | POINT (-0.060539 51.491938) | Change of use, demolition or alteration of pubs is restricted | 2024-07-11 |
Showing rows 251 to 300 of 475
How to fix this issue
Your dataset is missing the article-4-direction column.
The Article 4 direction area guidance explains how to fix the issue:
The reference for the article 4 direction used in the article 4 direction dataset.
Example: A4D1
How to improve London Borough of Southwark’s data
- Fix the errors indicated
- Use the check service to make sure the data meets the standard
- Publish the updated data on the endpoint URL